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[Other resourceCineseChess

Description: 一个很好的中国象棋源代码 本人机对弈程序采用了多种搜索算法. 本程序还具有悔棋,还原功能,还可以记录走法.-a good source of Chinese chess game machine code, I use a variety of procedures for search algorithm. The procedure also has to repent Mullick, recovery capabilities, but also can be recorded in law.
Platform: | Size: 154953 | Author: 豹仔 | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmsChessOfChina

Description: 中国象棋源程序,该程序采用多种搜索算法实现了人机对弈的功能-Chinese chess source files, the program uses multiple search algorithm of the function of man-machine players
Platform: | Size: 137867 | Author: 李真 | Hits:

[Other resourceChess_Seu

Description: 我自己写的一个网上中国象棋程序. 支持\"支招\",\"托管\" 智能还可以 VB的界面 VC的智能算法 带一个协调服务器(VC) 进一步改进中-I wrote an online Chinese chess procedures. Support the "Tips" and "trust" can be intelligent interface VB VC intelligent algorithm with a coordination server (VC) further improvement
Platform: | Size: 1766436 | Author: 吴锦堂 | Hits:

[Other resourceVC]中国象棋vc源代码

Description: 中国象棋是大家经常玩的,编写这类程序最关键也是最难的地方就是算法的设计,看看别人的设计也许对你会有所帮助-Chinese chess we used to play, the preparation of such procedures is the most critical is the most difficult part of the algorithm design, others look at the design you may be helpful
Platform: | Size: 79142 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 一个很好的中国象棋源代码 本人机对弈程序采用了多种搜索算法. 本程序还具有悔棋,还原功能,还可以记录走法.-a good source of Chinese chess game machine code, I use a variety of procedures for search algorithm. The procedure also has to repent Mullick, recovery capabilities, but also can be recorded in law.
Platform: | Size: 154624 | Author: 豹仔 | Hits:


Description: 一个java中国象棋程序,大家可以学习一下里面的算法思想-Chinese Chess a java program, everyone can learn about thinking inside the algorithm
Platform: | Size: 186368 | Author: jate | Hits:

[Multimedia Developchess

Description: 一个算法比较聪明的中国象棋游戏。 喜欢的人可以去看看。-A smart algorithm of Chinese chess game. Like people can go and see.
Platform: | Size: 1534976 | Author: 罗炼 | Hits:

[Chess Poker gamesChess

Description: 这是中国象棋VC++源码,当然最关键是其中算法的实现。-This is a Chinese chess VC++ Source, of course, is one of the most critical algorithm.
Platform: | Size: 102400 | Author: 王先生 | Hits:

[Chess Poker gamesxiangqi

Description: 中国象棋的游戏源码,使用了人工智能的Alpha-Beta搜索算法-Chinese chess game source code, the use of artificial intelligence Alpha-Beta Search Algorithm
Platform: | Size: 107520 | Author: 佚名 | Hits:

[Chess Poker gameschess

Description: 中国象棋源码,VC,本人机对弈程序采用了多种搜索算法-Chinese chess source, VC, my machine using a variety of game procedures search algorithm
Platform: | Size: 2438144 | Author: 项泰 | Hits:

[Chess Poker gamesSourceCode

Description: 中国象棋,继承了大多数的搜索算法,功能强大。-Chinese chess, inherited most of the search algorithm and powerful.
Platform: | Size: 357376 | Author: weiwei | Hits:

[Chess Poker gameschess_csharp

Description: 一位朋友编的中国象棋,带有中文语音提示,可双人下棋和人机下棋, 人机下棋时电脑的棋力差了一些,不过贵在有源码,可以供我们学习一下人工智力的程序是如何编的。智能算法及危机识别。遗传算法学习。-A friend of series Chinese chess, with a Chinese voice prompts, can be double machine playing chess and playing chess, computer chess machine number thinking depth difference, but if your source code, you can look for us to study artificial intelligence the procedure is compiled. Intelligent algorithms and risk identification. Genetic algorithm learning.
Platform: | Size: 1858560 | Author: 红信 | Hits:

[Chess Poker gamesChinese-chess

Description: 中国象棋,c++源码,多种搜索算法和评估算法相结合条理清析,对于初级学习ai编程人员非常有用。-Chinese chess, c++ source code, a variety of search algorithm and evaluation algorithm combined analysis of Article clarify, for the initial study is very useful for programmers ai.
Platform: | Size: 206848 | Author: 小方 | Hits:

[Chess Poker gamespc_game_book.ZIP

Description: 王小春的 pc游戏编程_人机博弈电子书下载(中国象棋算法),学习中国象棋软件的好书。-Wang Xiao Chun s machine game pc game programming ebook download _ (Chinese chess algorithm), a good book to learn Chinese Chess software.
Platform: | Size: 11148288 | Author: jiangyinn | Hits:

[Chess Poker gameschess

Description: 中国象棋源代码 1, 画面精美,是学习GUI编程的很好参考资料 2, 实现了人机对弈,涉及人工智能算法 3, 有MFC及win32两个版本,适用各种Programmer-Chinese chess source code 1, the window fine is good to learn GUI programming reference 2, to achieve a human-computer chess, artificial intelligence algorithm involving 3, there are two versions of MFC and win32 for a variety of Programmer
Platform: | Size: 345088 | Author: 锦绣天涯 | Hits:


Description: 中国象棋计算机博弈系统评估函数的自适应遗传算法实现。-Chinese Chess Computer Game System Evaluation Function in Adaptive Genetic Algorithm.
Platform: | Size: 229376 | Author: 李响 | Hits:

[Chess Poker gamesChinese-chess-princes-problem

Description: 关于中国象棋将帅的--比较经典的算法分析-About Chinese chess commanders-more classic algorithm analysis
Platform: | Size: 317440 | Author: kklljj | Hits:

[Chess Poker gamesChinese-Chess

Description: 人机博弈程序. 本项目主要采用了博弈树中的极大极小值搜索算法.采用估值的技术让电脑评估当前局面的利弊.选择走法.-Human-computer game program. The project is mainly using the minimax game tree search algorithm using valuation technology allows computers to assess the pros and cons of the current situation. Choose to take the law.
Platform: | Size: 12675072 | Author: GinMadrid | Hits:


Description: 中国象棋游戏原码,支持走法显示,悔棋,人机对战,基于Alpha-Beta搜索算法-Chinese Chess Game,supporting movement display,rewind,AI,based on the Alpha-Beta Algorithm
Platform: | Size: 4083712 | Author: Sydney | Hits:

[Chess Poker gamesChinese-Chess

Description: 一个网页象棋游戏,对手的下棋由算法搜索最佳走法。-A web chess game, chess opponent by the algorithm searches for the best moves.
Platform: | Size: 1568768 | Author: bear | Hits:
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